Starting October 15th @ 6:00PM

The Conquer Series
(begins October 15th, 6:00 p.m.)
This is a ten session class designed to help men overcome the temptation of pornography. If you want to learn how to help a family member or friend who is struggling with pornography, or you are battling that temptation yourself, then this is the class for you. The class will be led by Berea Baptist member, Ben Colbert.
(begins October 15th, 6:00 p.m.)
This is a ten session class designed to help men overcome the temptation of pornography. If you want to learn how to help a family member or friend who is struggling with pornography, or you are battling that temptation yourself, then this is the class for you. The class will be led by Berea Baptist member, Ben Colbert.